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What are the details of Paypal payment?


If I want to pay by Paypal, what should I do?


Whatever you have a PayPal account or not, you can finish payment by PayPal.
When you place an order in our online store and choose PayPal to finish payment, you will enter into the confirm page as show below.
After checking the consignee's name, addresses, and details of the goods are correct, please click "Confirm The Order".

Then, you will enter into the following PayPal payment page:
 If you have a PayPal account, you can log in to PayPal directly by clicking "Log In" and complete the payment. 
If you do not have a PayPal account, you can click "PayPal Gueset Checkout" to pay by Visa or MasterCard (credit card or bank card). In the payment process need to write your card number, name, address, contact information and other important information.

This question was added to our store on Saturday 06 January, 2018.