When you place an order in our online store and choose Western Union Money Transfer to finish payment, you will enter
into the confirm page as show below:
After checking the consignee's name, addresses, and details of the goods are
correct, please click "Confirm
The Order".

Then, you will see the page as show below, which shows your order
number and details of the goods, etc.

In addition, you will receive an e-mail, which includes order
number, date of the order, total amount and all the information of the goods.
Also includes Western Union payment information:
Forename (First name): XIALI
Surname (Last name): SHEN
Country: CHINA
At this time, you can enter www.westernunion.com to
make remittance directly, or through the local Western Union cooperation
agencies,such as post offices, to finish the remittance. After you finish the
remittance, please send an e-mail to us and tell us your order number,
remittance control number, name, amount, currency and country. After confirming
receipt of your payment, we will email you again and install the goods at the
same time. Usually Western Union is instantly arriving.